Team Guidelines

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We operate on the principle that each of us is obligated to find the answer to our own success. The loser stops with the problem—the winner seeks the answer to the problem.

You can expect loyalty from the coaching staff. The coaching staff must insist upon loyalty in return.

In order to attain real success we must trust in each other. The coaching staff must make certain decisions. Team members must honor and trust these decisions. We trust that you will abide by the following rules. Any of the following rules that are broken will be dealt with proper severity, unless noted herein.

1. Be on time.

2. Missed practices, without prior arrangements, will not be tolerated.

3. Hustle is the key to our success. You are committed to this in practice as well as games.

4. Second Guessing or derogatory remarks made by members of this team to anyone other than the coaching staff.

5. As a member of TCB Baseball, you are representing this program. This means off the field as well as on. Representation includes things such as:

      a. Pictures and interviews for the press

      b. Conduct during playing of the national anthem prior to the game.

      c. Clinics or talks to service groups

The publicity you are receiving is due to your team membership; therefore, you are required to represent the program, not your own individual philosophy.

6. Poise is essential to exceptional performance. Helmet, bat throwing, and temper tantrums do not display poise and are not allowed.

7. Consumption, Possession, Transportation, Purchase, or Sale of alcoholic beverages will result in severe penalties that may include suspension or dismissal from the team or program.

8. Consumption, Possession, Transportation, Purchase, or Sale of narcotics will result in severe penalties that may include suspension or dismissal from the team or program.

9. Any and all tobacco products are prohibited. This includes cigarettes, cigars, snuff, and chewing tobacco.

10. We feel that appearance is important. The following standards must be met:

      a. Neat and well-groomed in uniform. Jerseys must always be tucked in. (shined shoes, clean uniform, etc.)

      b. When traveling, collared shirts and neat pants or shorts are required-no hats or ripped jeans.

      c. No sandles or opened toed shoes. Only shoes that are clean, neat, and always tied are allowed.

11. No bullying of any kind will be tolerated.  Every player must be a good teammate.  

12. Your social media accounts represent you, your family and this program, post accordingly. 

13. These rules are in effect during your participation in the program at any and all times.

"No one player is bigger than the team"

Physical Hustle

1. Run out EVERY ground ball.

2. Run out EVERY pop fly.

3. Take aggressive turns.

4. Something or someone must stop you from taking the next base.

5. Tag every base.

6. Be ready to move on each play.

7. Develop a burning desire to force the issue on each play.

8. Move on each pitch

9. Back up plays in your area.

10. Look for an assignment.

11. Slide on close plays on all bases except 1st.

12. Watch the first baseman's feet—slide if necessary.

13. Sprint to and from your position.

14. Move quickly to the plate.

Mental Hustle

1. Be aware of each situation.

2. Tune into each pitch.

3. Pre-arrange each play.

4. Work to help control game tempo.

5. Acknowledge teammates performance.

6. Play to the situation.

7. Contribute to the team's demeanor.

8. Project aggressiveness.

9. Project poise

10. Make positive statements when problem solving.

11. Be able to review the details for an entire inning.

12. Prepare and expect to win.

13. Learn to gear up.

14. Commit to mental toughness.

TCB Baseball Hustle System

True hustle is the act of giving everything you have toward the task at hand. Perhaps there are two types of hustle—Mental and Physical. Both are essential to consistent success.

Physical Hustle includes running out every fly ball, every ground ball, disciplining one's self to run hard in wind sprints, drills, and even those times when no one is looking or seemingly cares. The point here is that you are and that you will become strong enough to sweat and strive to reach out and improve.

Mental Hustle is the most important factor in developing a winning attitude. Some call it interest, some call it enthusiasm, some call it aggressiveness, and still others say it is athletic intelligence. Actually is it all of these plus commitment, will to win, proper focus, and single mindedness toward reaching a goal.

In order to be a consistently successful athlete, there is a need to do things in a consistent manner. Certain fundamental ingredients make up winning efforts. It is the job of the athlete to learn what they are, and to make very sure they are systematically carried out. Practicing in a systematic and organized manner tends to lead toward playing in the same fashion.

Physical Hustle amounts to the willingness to be in the right place at the right time. Good things happen to those who keep trying. We uphold the saying that "Luck is what is left over from effort." A base runner who runs out everything, who is always ready to move up, and who takes good turns will not only force more opportunities but will also take advantage of more opportunities than the base runner who has little hustle.

Keeping the body active just plain makes sense. One of the trademarks of the person who gives off energy is that he is often in the middle of the action. He is looking for something to do. He also invites and encourages other players to follow suit.

Physical activity also increases the level of activity in the brain. Willingness to be physically active generally creates greater awareness. The alert, heads-up, tuned in athlete has a good chance to step into and become part of the action.

Training the mind is just as important as training the body. A person who is satisfied with learning only enough to get by, is a person willing to accept loss. Taking the easy way out is one more step toward giving in, one more step toward buying out of an original goal, one more reason for accepting mediocrity and the beginning of a "we are doing about as well as the majority of other athletes" attitude. An athlete can train himself to be persistent, to train the mind to carry out each activity to its end. Set workable short-term goals and make sure each one is fulfilled. Make a habit out of finishing each and every drill and activity.

Work on mental toughness. Often athletes are accused of being gutless when their real problem is lack of mental toughness. Mental toughness can be learned. Practice meeting problems head on. Start with the philosophy that every problem has a solution and you are going to be part of that solution. Practice poise. Practice patience. Practice endurance. These are the things that lead to mental toughness. Deal with these and you will learn to deal with the pressure of the game.

Concentration is essential to successful performance. Allowing the mind to wander or to enter into diversionary activities is detrimental to the cause of learning and counter productive to total performance. Practice each day on focus. Practice on properly holding concentration to the completion of a total thought or a finished play. It is easy to be distracted. The average player or the average team is highly controlled by distractions. Most teams finish out of first place, so to be better than the average rise above by controlling distractions. Learn to minimize them, learn to focus your job so intently that distractions are unnoticed. Organize your work to eliminate distractions or learn to use distractions to your advantage. A hostile crowd may be used by the athlete to perform better by forcing your incentive and concentration to rise above. In other words, Answer the Challenge.

Clarify your goals. Eliminate mysteries. Many athletes struggle through slumps and difficulties. Upon careful examination, they generally find that during these times things are muddled, there are many mysteries and it seems as though there is too much to do and too little time to do it. Step back. Define clearly what you need to do, prioritize the list and start with the item at the top. Do not worry about the things at the bottom of the list, they will approach as the list shortens. Spend energy on those things in which you have control. Time spent on problems in which one has no control is time wasted. This is equivalent to a handicap.

Hustle creates team spirit. True hustle involves watching a game intently, feeling the pulse of the game, being aware of the temperaments of your teammates, being prepared to add or subtract ingredients to improve the task, acknowledge good work, and generally showing concern for the total picture.

Hustle Inspires. Showing respect for a fellow player motivates that player and adds to his feelings of self worth. After a good play, a timely hit, a bunt, or a good pitch, a hand shake, a positive look, a hug or some other positive gesture is one of the best forms of hustle. This shows caring, awareness, respect, and this type of hustle is contagious. Respect is repaid with respect, awareness is repaid by awareness, and caring is repaid by caring.

Poise is the key to long term success and consistent performance. It is easy to have show and poise when things are going right. It is much more difficult under stressful conditions. Yet it is under these stressful conditions when poise is most needed. Under these conditions, control of emotions, calm clear thinking, and good concentration is necessary. Get hold of emotions. Eliminate temper tantrums, emotional outbursts and pouting, then, direct all energies toward solving the apparent dilemma.

We believe that every player deserves his "day in the sun." In every game and every practice each player has a turn. When a player is at the plate, running the bases, pitching, making a throw, etc., it is the duty of his teammates to be aware of, respect, care for, and respond to that players' participation. A solid competitive effort receives respect and a solid competitive effort with good results draws applause and congratulations.

Eliminate envy. Envy is an energy grabber. It is a negative force that destroys teamwork and goals. Appreciate and congratulate the accomplishments of your teammates because their success will make your job easier.



Player Agreement Acknowledgment

By typing our names below we acknowledge that one parent and the player have read and agree to all the team guidlines.  We agree to follow all the guidlines at all times that we are involved in the TCB program. 

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